To Dare Is Human

17: Wonder Women: Sara Hopkins



In our second installment of Wonder Women, I chat with one of the first people on social media I ever really followed consistently: Sara Hopkins. Once a budding news journalist, Sara made her Dare into the then-exploding world of Vine, where she amassed over 1 million followers in building her personal and professional brands. She's managed to garner nearly another half a million followers across her networks -- this is her story. To find Sara and her content, head over to Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat @sayhop. Be sure to subscribe while you're there!! Thanks for tuning in! If you like what you hear, leave us a review and rating on iTunes and I'll shout you out right here on the show! Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be shared, reach out and let me know abou