To Dare Is Human

12: Blink



This is To Dare is Human! I just finished reading Malcolm Gladwell's "Blink" and believe there's great applicability towards one's propensity to either go after or back away from a Dare. Determining the situations in which either an instinctive pull towards a decision or an analytical, meticulous approach towards one is superior is crucial, and an element of our psychology which Gladwell tackles in this book. It's fantastic reading, especially for someone traditionally more analytical who is considering that leap of faith, or someone more impulsive who is making heavier life choices. Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to leave a rating and review on iTunes if you like what you hear. It's one of the best ways for the show to grow! Also be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or story which should be