To Dare Is Human

8: Donald C. Kelly, The Sales Evangelist



This is To Dare is Human! Today I'll be featuring Donald C. Kelly, The Sales Evangelist. His top business podcasts gives crucial tips and tricks towards building a personal or professional brand (or both). He's produced over 500 episodes discussing this topic providing both incredible advice and insightful interviews. Go check him out! In the interview (towards the end), you'll hear that Donald is releasing some special video training and content for all listeners of the show. Just head over to to access it! Also, check out The Sales Evangelist wherever you get your podcasts, and you can also connect with Donald over Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, all @donaldckelly. Tell him Adam Conner sent you! Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to check out the show's website where you can find all my content: Additionally, I'm on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, all @todareishuman, and by email at If you know of a Daring individual or st