Botched: A D&d Podcast

Botched: A D&D Podcast S2 EP1 D&D Noire



Welcome to Botched: A D&D Podcast! The story of season 2 begins! We start off in the underground city known as Massive City. One of the refuges of humanity after the nuclear apocalypse. We already know from the prequel that everything is alright up top, but that hasn’t stopped these humans from being isolationists. Our story will center around a group of individuals, all linked by a common thread. They must come together to solve a mystery. Who are these mysterious individuals and what is that common thread? Tune in to find out! Join in on the banter as these dickheads whose understanding of the rules is questionable and their moral compasses are even more so, stumble through dungeons, traps, monsters, and social intricacies as they attempt to complete a quest for wholly selfish reasons. If you are a veteran dragon slayer from the long long ago of the 1970’s or a newbie who is interested in hearing what this devil worshipping game is all about, Botched: A D&D Podcast is the DnD Podcast for you. As mentioned