Evolve Etfs: The Innovators Behind Disruption With Raj Lala

Insights with Futurist Speaker Nikolas Badminton & Raj Lala



Nikolas will give you essential insights into the way the future world will work. In this episode, he speaks about the "Fourth Industrial Revolution": communications, energy, and transportation. He dives deeper into the topics of genomics (including CRISPR), adoption and timelines for electric and autonomous vehicles, smart cities (including Google Sidewalk Labs projects), and big data. • About Nikolas Badminton • Nikolas is a world-respected futurist speaker, author, and researcher. He wows audiences with keynote speeches on the impact of exponential technologies including: Renewable Energy, Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality; Gene Editing and Personalized Healthcare; Work Productivity; Autonomous Transportation; Smart Cities; and The Future of AI integrated with Life and Business. Nikolas regularly appears on the BBC, CBC, CTV, Global News, VICE, and writes for the Techcrunch, Huffington Post, Forbes, Venturebeat, Betakit, TechVibes, Business.com, and other media