Interior Design Today

Interior Design Today - Episode 011



Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 11th episode, Mary talks about the texture and feeling of the items in your home. What is the texture of the wood, the feel of the carpet, the temperature of your counter top? All of these little tactile issues are part of the pleasures we enjoy in our interior spaces. As we move from different parts of the country, we often want different materials. A great example of this is the stone and tile floors that are very comfortable in Florida or the warmer climates. As we move north, we're not quite as please by those because in the winter time, they are really, really frigid. Today, the wonderful part is, we can often take a stone floor and simply add some heat to it so that when we walk across our bathroom floor, it is really enjoyable to be in our bare feet. All of these tiny considerations are part of how we enjoy, and the comfort of, our interior spaces.It's so interesting to see how much the tactile aspects of a fabric add to the en