Ponderings From The Perch

Priscilla Hosts the Best Damn Website Episode Ever



Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing and her special guest, Stoney deGeyter of Pole Position Marketing. He is the author of the very definitively titled book, The Best Damn Web Marketing Checklist, Period! among others. Where others focus on search engine optimization (SEO) only for ranking results, his team goest beyond with a laser focus on total web presence optimiation for the sake of helping the visitor. Stoney elaborates on his process of writing his book. His journey of writing his own proprietary checklists for the work he did over the years. He uses his own book as a reminder to stay true to these fundamentals. Again, front and center to his advice and prolific blogging is his motivation to truly help his clients. Other books by Stoney deGeyter include:SEO 101: Everything You Need to Know about SEO (But Were Afraid to Ask)Keyword Research and Selection: The Definitive Guide to Gathering, Sorting, and Organizing Your Keywords into a High-Performance SEO Campai