Ponderings From The Perch

Priscilla Hits the Road



Join Priscilla McKinney, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing along with Dan Leadbetter as they gaze into the marketing crystal ball. As a keynote and breakout session speaker, Priscilla has been traveling much lately, called upon to talk mostly about the FUTURE OF MARKETING. She gives highlights from the road along with answers to some of the most frequently ask questions. Mostly, people are just confused about what is NEXT in marketing. Whether she is speaking with market researchers, app builders, small business owners, or c-level executives, they all are feeling that traditional marketing is broken. For those who have ventured heavily into digital market they are also confused about what is really working and what will work in the future. While every marketing strategy needs to be nuanced, she sticks with 3 points she believes for sure about who will WIN in the brave and bold marketing future. Here's a sneak peek at what must be done, in her humble opinion: - Brands must pay attention to changing c