Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #84 - Additive Free Made Easy Challenge, Day 6 - Swapping it Up



In today’s episode, we talk about healthy snacks for all those on-the-go parents specially on family days and sporting events that we can swap with the common snacks that are brought out at half time. It’s so easy to grab junk foods whilst attending sporting and any  events so we challenge you to SWAP it up and bring your own snacks and lunch box. Take the time to make peanut butter sandwich you’ll get good healthy fats with it, some good breads and butter. Pack a whole big packet of fresh fruit instead of lollies, make a fruit salad of your own, instead of that super cheesy snacks bring your own cheese and cracker, pop your own popcorn, you can also make a smoothie just put ice cubes in there to keep it cool and of course instead of getting one of those coloured drinks bring water. We press the point that kids simply aren’t athletes and therefore don’t need the sugary sports’ drinks and bags of lollies. It’s pretty easy to get fooled by the heavily marketed sports drinks and foods, that are actually aimed fo