Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #68 - Debrief from Additive Free Made Easy Past Rounds



Every round of our E-course, we have someone share why they started the course in the first place. We are just blown away by the responses and go through a range of emotions from crying to laughing out loud. One thing we noticed is the ever increasing amount of children being diagnosed with behavioural issues and your concrete proof that additives are at the centre of these issues. We are so proud of the awareness being raised and how a potential lifetime of medication is being avoided for your kid’s labelled behavioural issues. Jo touches on her personal story of how she treated her daughter Eva’s ADHD and the additives she recognized as being a key link to the way she behaves. We have heard all your amazing stories about taking your kids off medication, or massively lowering the dosage with an improvement in the foods your family are eating. We talk about your common hurdles when going additive free, such as telling your children’s grandparents what new diet changes and restrictions are happening when it