Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #65 - Stress - The Primary Causes with Dr Damian Kristof



Today we are chatting with Dr Kristof, or Damo as he much prefers to be called! Damo proudly wears three hats as a nutritionist, naturopath and chiropractor and is an absolute wealth of knowledge. He is clearly passionate and driven to share information that has the power to transform lives. In this episode we talk about all things stress and Damo breaks down the elements of stress, how it branches out and effects different areas of our lives, from the initial physical stress as we are born into this world and even the chemical stress from every day products we use. If you work seated all day in a sedentary office job, then you’ll want to tune in on this hot topic that is currently receiving a lot of media attention. Love your coffee too?Well we hear some amazing facts on the long term consequences of having coffee on an empty stomach or early in the morning before food that you may not be aware of. We’re taken through the primitive flight or fight response system and what it means in our modern day lives, in