Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #63 - Acupuncture, Should We or Shouldn't We?



We steal Anne for her first ever podcast and hear about all things acupuncture. There’s something about acupuncture (mostly the needles) that really put people off giving it a go! But we learn that a doctor’s needle is actually 500x thicker than an acupuncture needle. Anne explains all the many ailments she has treated from simple back pain to trouble sleeping, quitting smoking, helping the body to deal with stress from physical to mental, all the way to hormonal issues. We learn about the medical, scientific, physical and spiritual perspective of acupuncture and how so many women that Anne treats, think that certain ailments are normal in their body, when in fact they are actually abandoning their health We really go into depth in this episode, where we’re filled in on the meridians that run through our bodies, and common areas of the body where you might be blocking energy. It’s amazing to hear Anne’s stories of clients with simple back pain, actually having ailments at much deeper levels If you have been c