Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #47 - Let's Talk Healthy Kids



Today we are talking with Jessica who has a zest and passion for health but also loves to keep things in perspective and is certainly not a perfectionist when it comes to proper nutrition! She explains often misleading information in the health world and breaks it down into bite size pieces with her unique down to earth approach. Jessica knew from a young age that she wanted to be involved in the health industry. After high school she studied naturopathy then traveled around the world for five years with her boyfriend (now husband!) while working with fellow naturopaths from different countries. After becoming a mum, she went back to work part time starting her very own clinic and found herself focusing on kid's health. She believes having her two children sparked her curiosity and passion in this area. Jessica understands that the increase in common children's disorders such as eczema, asthma, allergies and autism in children is linked to many combined factors. We discuss common nutrient scarce diets and