Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode #43 - A Journey About Healing From Breast Cancer



In this episode we are talking to Kylie Lowe- an energised cancer survivor and thriver. Her daughters were just 4 years old and 8 months old at the time of diagnosis of an aggressive breast cancer where she was given a 0% chance of survival without surgery. Kylie endured a mastectomy, removal of lymph nodes, a long five months of chemotherapy and five weeks of radiotherapy. The amazing thing is that she combined this treatment with the creation of her own natural treatment plan and survived the cancer. Kylie discusses the many holistic ways she tackled cancer post-chemo including the practice of mindfulness, veganism, fasting and juicing. She is passionate about social justice, youth homelessness and healing and is a classically trained homeopath, Bowen therapist and reiki practitioner. Following cancer, Kylie wanted to make natural therapy accessible to all and started a successful social enterprise "joining hands" which is changing the lives of homeless and vulnerable youth by providing free natural servi