Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode 28 - Taking The Fear Out Of Additive Free Eating Day Two



Time and Money We find the top questions we get asked when it comes to starting out additive free are "Is it expensive to live additive free?" and "Where do you find the time?" Both of these questions arise from a place of fear, the fear of not having enough money nor enough time! When you begin your journey into additive free living, you'll notice you begin to avoid buying the packet health food items at the supermarket, as they're not quite as healthy as you first thought! Those packet items certainly come with a price tag, therefore you will notice you might even save money going additive free! We discuss how you can still have "convenience" foods the healthy way, with tips for preparing meals in bulk and freezing for later use. As we are both busy mothers, working full time we believe everyone has the time to create healthier eating habits but they just need to shuffle their priorities! Links & Resources : Listen to Podcast 18 as we talk about How to Eat Organic While Sticking to Your Budget Online