Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode 25 - Healthy and Happy with Tash Sciotto



"Everything is figure-out-able!" Today we chat to Tash from "Healthy you Happy me" who discusses why true health goes deeper than simply just the food we put into our bodies. She has gone from a life as a professional singer to following her secondary passion of life coaching, health and wellbeing. She is driven and intrigued by the colorful life paths her clients take and brings a gentle approach to ensuring they meet the truest desires of their hearts. With a unique birds eye view, Tash loves to dissect what's important in each of her client's life and what's not. She also loves to focus on the creative pursuits of individuals, being a reliable mentor, shoulder to lean on and driving force behind our own inner pursuits. We get down to earth and chat about why the answers always lie in our gut feelings, especially as women with our inbuilt navigation systems that we so often ignore- aka our intuition! Tash describes why it's oh-so-important to truly take ownership of your life, giving yourself permission to