Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode 14 - How We Came Back From Losing It All (our website)



We are asked all the time “How did you come back after losing your entire website?" And "Why did you make the effort to come back?” It was a bit of a touchy subject for a while, but now that we have moved on past the anger and hate we felt towards the company that did that to us, we feel it's time to answer and explain, and what better way than right here in this podcast. Hopefully, we can inspire you, the next time you are in a similar situation. Struggling with something that seems too hard to handle, not sure how to get past the first hurdle and let go of the anger or hatred, not sure of the next step to take, or when things just seem too hard... Let us share our story and explain the steps we took to make the comeback we deserved. In Jo's own words: “Shit happens and as devastating as it is, there is always a step forward that you can go.” This lesson is applicable not just in losing a site as big as ours, but also in your journey towards a healthier and happier you. Never underestimate the power of commu