Sistermixin' The Whole Circle

Episode 10 - Top Five Tips To Eating Additive Free



In this episode of The Whole Circle we share our top five tips to living additive free. They are easy and anyone can do it, we promise. Tip One – Start Out Slow You might be like Tracey and have the privilege of being able to take things a bit slower, or you might be at your wits end (like Jo was), ready to explode. Either way, we still recommend taking it slowly when just starting out. This is for a few reasons. First, it allows everyone to come to terms with the transition. If you go full-boar and make drastic changes, then chances are you will have the kids up-in-arms about it all, and that will just stress you out even more. You will probably return to your old eating habits and nothing will ever change. By taking it one packet mix, one meal or one day at a time, you will have a chance to introduce new things without as much resistance. Think of it like running a marathon, no one just goes out and runs 45 kms without ever training for it. They put in the training, starting out small, working up to the big