Heard Well

17: Jessie Paege - How I Broke Through On YouTube



This week on this show we have Jessie Paege, a 19 year old artist originally from New Jersey who built her following initially on YouTube. Jessie started her channel when she was 14 as a form of expression after suffering from social anxiety and bullying at school. It's actually kinda hard to believe sitting across from this chatty individual with bright colors all through her hair that she once deemed herself to be a mute, but she has since dedicated herself to being an example to all the kids out there suffering from the same thing that you can turn it all around and be whoever you want to be. Jessie transformed a few goofy YouTube video uploads into a digital empire with 81 million views, a clothing line, two books, several acting roles and a cult following in the millions. And this is how she did it.