Botched: A D&d Podcast

Botched: A D&D Podcast S3 EP57 Up To Our Eyes With A-Holes



Welcome to Botched: A D&D Podcast! Holy shit the party actually managed to accomplish a goal! Who knew it was possible?! Now they have another goal. Can they make it two for two? The group must venture past enemy lines of demons to find the hidden encampment and figure out what the hell is going on in the world. However, outside of the safety of the forest there are hundreds and thousands of demons. The group must sneak (or not) through the hostile forces and find this mysterious encampment. Will the group manage to sneak around enough to find it? How will they manage to get by all the demons? What is in this encampment? How stupid is Mogar? Tune in and find out! Join in on the banter as these dickheads whose understanding of the rules is questionable, and their moral compasses are even more so, stumble through dungeons, traps, monsters, and social intricacies as they attempt to complete a quest for wholly selfish reasons. If you are a veteran dragon slayer from the long long ago of the 1970’s or a newbie w