Ponderings From The Perch

Priscilla and Ashley Seal the Tomb of Google+



Lawn darts. Robotic gutter cleaners. In-car coffee brewers. These are just a few things that have enjoyed more commercial success than Google+. Google’s social networking endeavor seemed poised to make big waves… something about their $719 billion in market capital lent a bit of credibility to the effort that turned out to be an almost immediate cricket-fest. The recent announcement that they would be pulling the plug on the sleeping giant wasn’t a huge shock to most people, but it’s not without ramifications. In this episode, Priscilla McKinney and Ashley Le Blanc do a quick once-over on the cause, effects, and potential side-effects of G+’s upcoming journey upon the pale horse. RIP, Google+. You were the Jar Jar Binks of social networks. We made fun of you so much, we started to feel guilty about it. Goodnight, sweet prince. Social Media Resources:- BLOG: 3 WAYS LITTLE BIRD MARKETING USES SOCIAL MEDIA TO EXPAND YOUR MARKETING MESSAGE- BLOG: PRISCILLA’S 4 TIPS FOR BUSINESSES STRESSED BY THE NEW FACEBOOK ALGO