Heels Of Justice

HOJ 007: Dahlia Lithwick: Supreme Court Press Corps, Quitting Law School, and When There Are Three



Welcome to Heels of Justice; these are the stories of women lawyers who are trailblazers in their field and paved the way for the rest of us. Today, the Heels of Justice interview Dahlia Lithwick bio to come by the client.   Key Takeaways [:34] Katherine welcomes Dahlia Lithwick a writer and law journalist, to the Heels of Justice podcast. [1:24] Katherine asks Dahlia when, how and why she became interested in the law. [4:17] Did Dahlia end up following her interest in children’s advocacy policy through law school? And what happened after law school? [5:44] Dahlia shares that she quit law school after her first year and why she went back. [8:00] What does clerking “on and off” mean? [9:48] On the sometimes jargony nature of legal writing, and the necessary humility in writing about the law for lay audience. [15:12] “Read the briefs, translate the briefs, and write about what happened to the law.” There is no need for an ego. [15:45] Is there something about women that makes more inclined to egoless work? [21: