See Jane Do, Hosted By Elisa Parker

Heather Bischoff: Removing the Labels the Define Us



“You’re enough, it doesn’t matter where you came from or your current circumstances…you are equipped to live the life you were meant to live and you’re equipped for abundance.  It’s just a matter of allowing it into your life.” ~Heather Bischoff, founder of Dragonfly Direction About Heather: Who said you had to prove your worth to anyone but yourself? That’s a question I ask clients and continue to ask myself. When I was a little girl, I most wanted to be seen for who I really was. I wanted to explore my curiosity and reach for the stars. Through no fault of their own, my parents didn’t understand. I was often left feeling invisible.  But inside I knew I had tremendous value to share with the world.  Can you relate? My truth was revealed when realizing that my purpose is to use leadership development to help people see who they are at the core of their being, without any societal labels, titles, or expectations. If everyone took the opportunity to fully explore their options, they no doubt would live a fully