Ponderings From The Perch

Priscilla and Ashley Demystify LinkedIn



Despite the fact that LinkedIn predates almost all popular social networking sites (2003!!), there are still a lot of relatively savvy internet users who have no idea what the social business site is all about. Until now. Listen in as Priscilla and Ashley discuss common misconceptions, what the site is and is not designed for, and how to utilize the platform to facilitate authentic connections. Priscilla - an undeniable LinkedIn whiz - gives special shoutouts to former podcast guest Tim Hughes for the innovative thoughts put forward in his book Social Selling, and to Adam Gray for the groundbreaking book Brilliant Social Media Business Strategy. From there, Priscilla and Ashley talk shop with five actionable LinkedIn tips including best practices for endorsements, introductions, and articles. Check out the whole episode and stop telling people that LinkedIn is the social site of the jobless. Hurtful! Want to hear more shows like this? Let us know by subscribing, rating and reviewing Ponderings from the Perch