Leadership Essentials

Ep.4 Marissa Orr – Lean Out



What makes more sense – rewiring women’s personalities to conform to an outdated system or rewiring the system to better meet the needs of a diverse workforce? That’s the question that writer, author, and speaker Marissa Orr faced after realizing the common prescription for female success was to act more like men. Frustrated with this approach, she set out to change this antiquated mindset and create a new definition for success. In an idea that counters the popular idea of leaning in, Orr encourages women to fight the gender gap in her new book Lean Out: The Truth About Women, Power, and the Workplace. In this episode, Marissa lays the framework for how to succeed as a leader when your talents don’t align with traditional male-defined leadership standards. She also touches on the topics of what control looks like for effective managers, defining success outside of the narrow parameters of the corporate ladder and well-being versus winning. It’s an empowering and authentic thirty minutes that will have you r