Study Group Radio: Process Party

Episode 77 - A. Degen!



The one and only Twitter Funny Man Alex Degen has joined us on the party floor! Perhaps you didn't know that in addition to being  funny on the internet, he's also a wicked awesome cartoonist with multiple ineffable books and mini comics out there in the world? The author of Area CC, Mighty Star, and his new book Soft X-Ray/Mindhunters talks to us about all kinds of stuff, from his time as a youthful layabout, formative schooling and world travels, connections to the Magic Schoolbus empire, and a look into the life of a literary translator. Where did the genesis for his new full color book come from, lots of jokes, and more!  Plus: Zack's driving around in a car in the opening, that's weird! Also: The Secret Voice Kickstarter is fully backed and there's still plenty of time to back it!