Study Group Radio: Process Party

Episode 76 - Michael Kupperman!



Welcome the creator of Snake N’ Bacon’s Cartoon Cabaret, Tales Designed to Thrizzle, Mark Twain’s Autobiography, & his new memoir All The Answers–Michael Kupperman! Joel Kupperman was an early child star who met wild fame early in life as a “Quiz Kid,” but that fame haunted him much of his life. Michael tells all about his new book, and about growing up with a formerly famous dad. What was it like moving into memoir from absurdist humor strips? And of course plenty of process talk about the making of the book. PLUS: Big jibba jabba segment, because Mike was Nominated for an Eisner (! Best Webcomic), and Zack’s Kickstarter is LIVE! (and a bit of not super spoilery Infinity War chit chat at the end)