Talk Credit Radio With Gerri Detweiler

Free Tax Help



Attorney Anna Marie Mitchell from Gulf Coast Legal joins me to share advice for taxpayers with problems handling their tax bills. We talk about: 1) What can I do if the IRS is garnishing my Social Security; 2) Can I try and settle my tax liability with the IRS for less than I owe; 3) What can I do if I can not afford to pay the IRS the money I owe them; 4) Where can I get my taxes done for free; 5) Does debt forgiveness affect my taxes; 6) Should I file taxes if I am only receiving social security? Anna provides a wealth of information for my all my listeners - not just those who live in Florida, including how to take advantage of a free tax help program available nationwide! This interview aired live October 7, 2013. Gulf Coast Legal is a sponsor of Talk Credit Radio.