Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Shamanic Path - Healing Earth, Our Ancestors & Ourselves w/Jez Hughes



Join me tonight as I chat with Jez Hughes, founder of Second Sight Healing, and British Shaman, discussing THE SHAMANIC PATH; Healing the Earth, Our Ancestors and Ourselves.  Jez has been working as a full time shaman for over a decade and runs workshops across the U.K. and Europe.  His work has been featured on BBC Radio and in other international media. Tonight we'll talk about his incredible story that led him to heal himself through Shamanism and how we might bring ancient, indigenous wisdom into our modern world and make it relevant.  Jez will explain the role of Shaman, namely being the one who insures the balance between humans and the natural world.  Our conversation will also delve into his work with the Wixarika (Huichol) nation of Mexico, helping them in their campaign against mining companies in their lands and learning from their unbroken lineage of 10,000 years.  I'll also pick his brain about creating powerful and effective shamanic ceremonies.