Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Food for Thought: "Lack of Journalistic Integrity is Domination" w/Karen Tate



Special Show Tonight...Food for Thought: Series "How the Lack of Journalistic Integrity is Domination" Recently I've been enrolled in classes sponsored by Riane Eisler's Center for Partnership Studies and we've been learning about domination vs partnership structures of society.   We learn that there are ways to be in partnership with your self, your intimate others, your community, the world and within a spirituality.  I connect the dots between partnership as a value within Goddess spirituality.   Likewise, we learn to recognize domination, exploitation, oppression; all hallmarks of patriarchy and today's predator capitalism.  Tonight the domination I'd like to crack open and examine involves the corporate-owned media and the damage it's doing to our society. Maybe you've been watching how the ratings and money driven media has been dominating the conversation, interfering with democracy, controlling the minds of the masses.  Here is a presentation I made as part of my class on the Power of Partnership,