Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

WomanRunes & Contemporary Priestessing with Molly Remer



Molly Remer, women's circle facilitator and ordained priestess working on her dissertation about contemporary priestessing in the United States chats with us about the herstory of Womanrunes, created by Shekhinah Mountainwater; how to use them and why they're special or distinct from other oracle or divination systems.  She'll share what she's discovered in her researching contemporary priestessing and we discuss what it might take to actually realize vocational priestessing -- and the difference between priestess as archetype and priestess as profession.  Molly is the author of Womanrunes: A Guide to Their Use and Interpretation, Earthprayer, Birthprayer, Lifeprayer, Womanprayer and The Red Tent Resource Kit.  She's maintained her Talk Birth blog since 2007 and writes about thealogy, nature, practical priestessing and Goddess at her Woodpriestess blog.