Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Enheduanna, Priestess, Poetess, Princess of Mesopotamia w/Michelle Hart



Tonight Michelle Hart, one of a handful of experts on the Mesopotamian Princess, Priestess and Poetesse, Enheduanna, will share with the VSF audience the important role of the first non-anonymous author of all literature.  Yes, a real, flesh and blood woman who lived from 2300-2225 BC!  Enheduanna was revered as the most important religious figure of her day.  Through her powerful hymns to Inanna, the Goddess of Love and War, she changed the course of history and was remembered for centuries after her death.  Her writing is so intricate, scholars call her the "Shakespeare of Sumerian literature."  Her hymns function as multi layered incantations, interweaving political, personal, ritual, theological, historical and legal dimensions.  And we'll hear about the possible connection between Enheduanna and the Pleiades!