Sex, Religion, Power And Politics

Charlotte Perkins Gilman - Foremother of EcoFeminism w/Charlotte Cressey



Tonight we're going to learn about Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a foremother of EcoFeminism I'll bet you've yet to learn about.  Thanks to Charlotte Cressey, animal liberation activist, educator, ecofeminist and creator of Earth Energy Yoga, listeners will learn about this incredible woman way ahead of her time.  Gilman believed in mutually beneficial relationships in regard to women, animals and nature and taught they provide us guidance and instruction as we seek to create a kinder world for all beings today.  We'll discover Gilman's optimistic, solution-oriented vision and hope for change,  We'll delve into "patriarchal reversals" and learn the difference between "labor" and "industry".  We'll also talk about Gilman's utopian novels, including Herland.  Should be a really interesting converstiona you won't want to miss.