Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (30) Asking a Girl Out: Part 2 (In a café)



先週に引き続き、気になる女の子をデートに誘おうかどうか悩んでいる男の子の話の後編をお届けします。 ハワード(Howard)はイネス(Inez)に、自分の国なら、好感を持った(have a good feeling)相手をデートに誘い、恋人として付き合う(go steady)までの段取りがわかるのにと語っています。そんなハワードに、イネスはどのようなアドバイスをしているのでしょうか。またイネスは、逆に日本の男の子についてどう考えているのでしょうか。 (写真は広島大学東広島キャンパス内にあるマーメイドカフェ) Download MP3 (17:31 18.1MB 初級~中級)*** Script *** M: Back home, if we have a good feeling about someone, we usually ask her out for a date. If that goes well, we'd go on a bunch of other dates too. This way, we can find out whether we're compatible with each other or not. Then, we might go steady. W: Wow. So why not ask her on a date? M: No, I can't. We're in Japan, and I'm afraid she has the same idea about dating as you. Besides… W: Besides, what? M: She's kind to everyone, not only me, so I'm not even sure how much she likes me. W: Hmm… M: Sometimes I even feel like… that she's kind to me only because I help her with her English. W: Oh, Howard, don't think like that. Be confident, and talk to her about how you feel. Japanese girls are too shy;