Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (26) A Natural Catastrophe



ちょうど1年目の5月12日、中国・四川省で大地震(a big earthquake)が発生し、多くの死傷者(casualties)を出しました。災害は忘れた頃にやってくる(Catastrophes come often when people least expect them.)と言います。地震大国である日本でも、日頃から大災害に備えておきたいものです。 今回のダイアローグでは、成都出身のXixiが四川省での大地震について話しています。また番組の最後では、Joeが災害への対処方法を紹介しています。(写真はWikipediaからお借りしました) Download MP3 (15:50 9.2MB 初級~中級)*** Script *** M: Xixi, I just heard there was a big earthquake in southeastern China. It seems like it was pretty bad. What about your family? Are they OK? W: Thanks, Lee. Thankfully, they're fine. Chendu's far from the epicenter. But it still frightened me a lot when I heard the news. M: Yeah, I was shocked, too. I don't know a lot about China, so I didn't think such a huge earthquake could happen there. W: Actually, even I didn't know we could have earthquakes that big! To most Chinese, Japan is the country with lots of earthquakes. M: Yeah. By the way, wasn't there a much bigger one in the 1980s? Almost 200,000 people died in one, right? W: Yeah, that's true. M: So from now on, China is also