Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (17) Turn That Music Down!



リスナーの皆さんにとって「うるさい音楽」はどのようなものでしょうか。また「イケてる、ヤバい(hip)音楽」(死語ですね・・・)ってなんでしょうか。 若者の音楽と言えば、昔はロックでしたが、今やラップにヒップホップ。革ジャンとアシッド・ウォッシュのジーンズで決めていたかつてのロック少年も、息子の聴いているヒップホップは理解できないようです。おまけにママには石頭(stick-in-the-mud)呼ばわりされる始末。今回は、そんなパパとママの会話です。 Download MP3 (20:38 11.8MB 初級~中級)*** Script *** M: Hey, son! Turn that music down. I can't hear myself think! W: What's wrong, honey? M: He's listening to that rap-hip-hop-bebop foolishness again. I mean how can you call that music when all I hear is bass, drums, and gun fire. W: Gun fire?! Oh, don't be ridiculous. M: I'm serious. I'm pretty sure there's one song with just random gun shots going off, and no lyrics. You call that music. Whatever happened to the good old days? W: What good old days? When I met you, you wore acid washed jeans, a leather jacket, and a bandana. M: It was the style back then. W: You listened to rock. M: Well, rock music had meaning back then. It was full of passion and love, unlike today's music. All I hear is sex this, shoot that, an