Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (13) New Year's



今年最後の配信となる今回は、お正月(New Year's = New Year's Day)についての会話です。日本の年末年始の過ごし方は、英語でどのように表現できるのでしょうか。また、日本とアメリカでの年末年始の過ごし方には、どのような違いがあるのでしょうか。せわしい年の瀬のひとときを、ポッドキャストでどうぞごゆっくりお楽しみください。 Download MP3 (17:17 初級~中級) ※次回の配信は1月6日(火)の予定です。*** Script *** M: Judy, I'm so EXCITED that New Year's is coming! W: Really? What's so great about it? M: Well, first of all, we get off from school! And there are a lot of good programs on TV. W: Oh, Americans don't do much for New Year's. What kind of things do Japanese do? M: Well, first, a few days before New Year's, they send a lot of New Year's cards to friends and relatives. And they clean their houses, and prepare special New Year's food. W: They prepare the food a few days in advance? Doesn't it get bad? M: Well, it's almost always traditional food which doesn't spoil quickly. For example, boiled black beans, broiled fish, sliced vegetables, and seafood dressed in sweet vinegar. Then they put the food in small boxes which can be stacked on top of one another—this helps to pr