Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (8) A Haunted House Story for Halloween



10月末と言えば「ハロウィン」。今回はハロウィンにちなんだ幽霊屋敷(a haunted house)のお話です。舞台はアメリカ・ニューオーリンズ。とある一軒の屋敷に「売家」の札が出ていた。そこは19世紀に実在したマダム・ラローリー(Madam Lalaurie)の館だった!館の老人は、訪れた客人に、ここで起こった世にも恐ろしい事件のことを語り始めます・・・。 なお、今回諸事情により配信が遅れましたことをお詫びいたします。 次回の配信は11/4(火)頃の予定です。(←再度変更いたしました) Download MP3 *** Script *** Woman: It's a dark, quiet night in an old neighborhood in New Orleans, in the southern part of the United States. A 3-story, spooky-looking house has a "For Sale" sign outside. The sound of a sad dog barking can be heard in the distance. Bats fly through the air. A young couple knocks on the door. An old man wearing a dark coat opens the door. (Sound of creaking door.) Old Man: Yes? Woman: Hi, um, we heard this house is for sale? Old Man: It is. Come this way. (They step in. The creaking door closes behind them.) Old Man: Now, are you sure you want to buy this place? You know about Madam Lalaurie, don't you? Woman: Madam Lalaurie? Who is that? Old Man: Ha, ha, ha! You mean, who WAS that. Ah, I see that you have not heard? Let