Hiroshima University's English Podcast

やさしい英語会話 (6) New Zealand and Homestays



「ニュージーランドとホームステイ」が今回のテーマです。みなさんがこの国に抱くイメージは、人口をはるかに凌ぐ羊の群れでしょうか、それともラグビーのオールブラックスでしょうか。そのニュージーランド出身で、日本でホームステイしている学生と、ニュージーランドでホームステイ経験のある日本人学生が、ホームシックやコミュニケーション、食文化などについて会話をします。 Download MP3 *** Script *** M: Hi. I'm Jack, from New Zealand, and I'm studying Japanese here. Could I ask your name? W: Hi. I'm Yumi. You're from New Zealand? ! I went there as an exchange student! M: Oh, really? How long were you there? W: For about a year. M: And where did you stay? W: I stayed in Auckland. Where about in New Zealand are you from? M: Auckland! Nice. I'm from Wellington. Have you been there? W: Yes! I like the city. There were some nice old buildings, and I remember the government building...uh what was the name of it? M: You mean Bee-Hive? W: That's it! It was different. M: Did you do a homestay? W: Yes. I stayed with a middle-aged couple. They took me to Wellington. They had never had a student stay with them but they were really nice. M: Didn't you have a problem, like feeling homesick? W: Ye