Offbeat Wall Street

Ep. 4: Finding Nemo - How Does Wall Street React To Tragedy?



Almost every Disney movie follows the same formula: in the first 2 minutes, a mother or wife dies.  Or maybe a child is kidnapped or incapacitated.  But from there, it's 90 minutes of mad-cap comedy and adventure. That's a little like the stock market. This week, we take a look at what markets do when faced with tragedy, such as the Pulse massacre in Orlando. Meanwhile, the long-awaited Fed decision came out last week.  We'll take a closer look at that. And the good people of the U.K. are preparing to vote on exiting the European Union.  We'll preview what to expect there... In honor of Finding Dory and Finding Nemo, his is the "just keep swimming" edition of Offbeat Wall Street.