
Live With Confidence, Courage & Consistency -- Reaired



As this summer continues to move forward, join our new Summer Enrichment series- Live Wisely, Well and Wealthy Now to position yourself for a great second half of the year so you can catapult into 2010. Today's show features guest, Ms. Marshawn Evans, Esq.,Entertainment Attorney, Author, Speaker, Performance Strategist, and Media Personality. Ms. Evans is recognized as one of the nation's leading experts on the art of maximizing human potential, Marshawn Evans is Founder of ME Unlimited, a corporate life-enrichment consulting firm focusing on peak performance, diversity, women’s empowerment and leadership. She is author of SKIRTS in the Boardroom: A Woman’s Survival Guide to Success in Business & Life (Wiley 2008). Ms. Evans is also President of EDGE 3M Sports & Entertainment - a full-service brand management agency responsible for elevating the profile of elite entertainers and athletes. A graduate of Georgetown University Law Center, Marshawn practiced as a commercial litigator and employment lawyer