Pinkerton Insights Podcast

Pinkerton Insights Podcast | Week of June 17, 2019



Recently in Libya, it was reported that for a second day, the Libyan National Army, led by Khalifa Haftar, conducted an air strike on a military base in Tripoli’s Mitiga International airport, which targeted a Turkish plane accused by the LNA of supporting the Government of National Accord and its forces.  Mount Sinabung in Indonesia erupted for approximately nine minutes earlier this month, spewing a 4.3 mile ash column and aftershocks were also reported. Operational and Physical Risks Last week, the Yemeni rebel group Houthis, carried out a missile attack on the arrivals terminal at Abha airport, located in the southern region of Saudi Arabia. At least 26 people were injured in the attack, and 8 of them were taken to the hospital. Thousands of Nicaraguans went on a nationwide strike to complain about the current government led by President Daniel Ortega last week.  As reported on earlier this month, heavy rainfall, marking the beginning of the rainy season that typically lasts from June to July, is hitting