Ask Sue

Ask Sue Show - Ask Sue Saving Bandit - Call in 347 327 9694



Ask Sue Show - The Story of Saving Bandit - A dog locked up for nearly 3 years! Karyl Marsh made this ruling with no medical records, no qualified expert testimony, personal experience and merely based upon the statement from Mr. Wachter who surmises that it must have been Bandit that injured him. No other personal testimony from any other witness or individual against Bandit was raised, yet Bandit has been sitting on death row for being on her own property and perhaps at most jumping on a person. The sole superficial grain of rice injury could have been caused by Mr. Wachter scratching himself, but is inconsistent with a typical bite mark. Bandit has an attorney working on her case and everything we can do as a community greatly helps her chance for beating this unfair outcome. Bandit is depressed, misses her family, her surroundings, and there is evidence that being confined in a kennel at a shelter negatively affects a pet. Please, please let's get her home asap and stop this. Thank you for your k