Drummer's Weekly Groovecast

Episode 127 - Hiatus Breaker Featuring The Crash And Ride Podcast



As we languish through the summer we temporarily break our hiatus by posting a pop show. Late last winter I appeared on a new podcast that deals with musicians who suffer from anxiety, depression, PTSD and other psychological issues, the Crash and Ride Podcast. The host and Groovecast power listener, Patrick Ferguson, has done a tremendous job highlighting an incredibly underrepresented topic that affects quite a large number of musicians. In this episode he and I discuss the different aspects of chronic, long-term anxiety and how it touches every part of your life. As musicians we elaborate on how anxiety can sometimes drive us toward music as well as how the disorder affects the music perform. We each talk about our personal battles and give ideas for real, lasting solutions to help mitigate the suffering. Please visit Patrick and the Crash and Ride Podcast by visiting his site: http://crashandride.libsyn.com/ Patrick was recently awarded a $5,000 grant for his great work creating this show. Please supp