American Patchwork & Quilting Podcast

3-27-17 Emily Herrick, Jackie White, Blair Stocker and Q&A with Pat Sloan's Talk show for American Patchwork and Quilting Radio



I love chatting with fabric and quilt designer Emily Herrick of Crazy old Ladies, she is creative and always has fun projects! When I saw her Picnic baskets for the June 2017 American Patchwork & Quilting issue I get hold of Emily to visit with me again! ------------- Jackie White wrote me a great note telling me about the project Canadian Quilter’s Association is running in support of the Ronald McDonald Houses across Canada. They are making 1,000 quilt to be delivered in 2017 for the children in care that the homes. Each quilt will have a piece of the Canada 150th anniversary fabric in it. ------------------------------ It's Fun to have Blair Stocker of WiseCraft Handmade back today to talk about using special fabrics in projects. She teaches workshops with this focus and her newest book is Wise Craft quilts which is filled to the brim with tips on how to use those fabric and project ideas too! -----------