Miserable Retail Slave

207. If My Face Was A Drug, I'd Sell It By The Instagram



Flying cars/ Nonstop Glee/ The Legend of Wacky Warren (1:57)/ Tide Pod challengers (2:30)/ Flirting with girls in a flying car (3:24)/ Cheesy or Corny: which is the worst food descriptor (3:45)/ Proper Bro-tocol (5:09)/ Tommy’s Beard and transformation into a skunk ape (6:05)/ Tommy’s impeccable brows (6:51)/ Bacon obsessions (10:19)/ an intervention for Tommy (10:42)/ A middle age choose your own adventure (13:00)/ Woodie Wagon cars (15:00)/ Elon Musk pledges to help with the Flint water crisis (17:00)/ Elon Musk’s Not a Flamethrower (19:36)/ women with bangs (20:25)/ an entrepreneur (22:34)/ searching for my eBae (22:40)/ “Don’t look at at my scabs” (23:50)/ Tommy’s into kayaking and the world will never be the same (25:13)/ endangered bumblebees and counting bees (29:13)/ Randy’s Career Fair: Becoming a hot dog guy (32:05)/ Up North, Michigan (39:00)/ the United Steaks of America (39:16)/ DJ Shouty Mouth and The Dumpster Fire (42:30)/ Steak debates (42:45)/ Revelations about Nathan - the best gas station a