Miserable Retail Slave

S05E08. Dad Heads



Hang on every word like a Cliffhanger/ Study Cliffhanger/ Dolph Lundgren’s Triple Threat/ Fan fiction/ Randy’s 7 year old shirt/ James Dean’s Headstone/ These d-bags are multiplying/ The Cliff Burton of one of his Tommy’s jokes/ Hobo erotica/ Tommy’s description of a shirt/ Salt and pepper/ All the Kevins of America rejoice/ Malcolm and the motorcycle/ Whattaya got under that hood?/ All the engines of the universe/ The Ultimate Dad Joke/ Douchebag values never change/ Affliction shirts/ Chili recipes/ typing in the cheat code to a handshake/ Summer/ The Facebook group is the life of the party/ Normal jobs/ Being a Superman Super Hero Guy/ Try to punch the sun/ Tin Foil/ Soy Milk/ The Diary of Daria/ Andrea and David the Producer leave messages/ Girls/ Tommy gets called up to the big leagues/ Big fan of The Mitten/ Tommy gets pulled over in Indy/ COYLY/ Dexter from LETS GET DRUNK AND TALK COMICS joins the show/ Dexter gets attacked by people on Twitter/ Captain America is a Hydra agent/ A date!/ Posers/ How do