Miserable Retail Slave

S04E54. Danger Zone



Tommy can’t remember his childhood/ We make a Quantum Leap reference/ Abe Falcon is a Netflix Pioneer/ Never Stop Flipping/ Hootie & the Blowfish is the worst band ever/ You can’t Netflix Binge when you have real life/ Tommy should enter a strong man competition/ Randy has a way to unite the country/ Tommy looks like Kirby/ Taking away this Netflix/ Bones/ Sculpt Tommy’s beard/ How is a life as a big sissy?/ Sick again/ a plague of box elder bugs/ Tommy has an oil slick on his face/ Tommy has a third nipple on his forehead/ Another fast food incident/ Drive Thrus/ Gut fears/ Stretch marks/ “You’re like a kite in the wind right now”/ Loose skin/ Tommy is pretty shrinkwrapped/ Remind yourselves on the WAYS OF THE ROAD/ Drive Thrus are always a disaster/ Three hard shell tacos/ The Coolness Factor of the Taco Bell Menu/ Tommy’s teeth are falling out/ Have you ever tried to wiggle your teeth?/ Health insurance/ Fairly Unhealthy/ Yahoo Answers/ How do you become popular in high school?/ The Return of Chris Vic