Rrr Fm

Breakfasters 12 - 16 August 2019



This week, Tim Costello visits the studio to talk about his book "A Lot With A Little”; Sarah, Daniel and Gez chat about the sentimentality of jackets; An interview with Omar Musa focuses on the universality of Muhammad Ali, in relation to Musa’s upcoming show at Arts Centre's Fairfax Studio; 'Weird Science' this week has Dr Jen explaining the main differences between early birds and night owls; Geraldine’s niece is going to school camp which gives the Breakfasters a chance to reminisce about their school camp experience;  writer, poet and broadcaster Alicia Sometimes comes by to chat about her show “Particle/Wave." And last but by god not lease: Henry Wagons gives a rave-up Triple R's annual Radiothon and the importance of supporting Triple R at this time.