Hiroshima University's English Podcast

超濃縮!やさしい英語会話 (23) Joe's Best



Download MP3 先週に引き続き、恒例の「超濃縮!やさしい英語会話」をお届けします。この11年間に配信した335本の「やさしい英語会話」よりエピソードを厳選し、4本分を濃縮しました。今回は、Joeの選んだ4本の傑作エピソードをお送りします。   *** Joe's Best *** やさしい英語会話 (311) Go Carp, Go! やさしい英語会話 (240) Piano Delivery やさしい英語会話 (236) The Excitement of a Zoo やさしい英語会話 (79) Saving George *** Script *** やさしい英語会話 (311) Go Carp, Go! (Noisy Stadium Sound) Both: (the Cheer song) Carp, Carp, Carp Hiroshima, Hiroshima Carp M: Oh, this is so fun! Thanks for inviting me, Tomoka. My first Carp game ever in person! I didn't think that the fans would be so crazy. W: Hey, this is normal! Carp games are really intense! M: Yeah! Um, who's your favorite player, Tomoka? W: My favorite players are Tanaka, Kikuchi, Maru, and Suzuki! M: Ha ha! That's a lot. Who's your MOST favorite? W: Um… I love 'em all, but I guess I love Suzuki the most! Oh! Suzuki's stepping up to the plate now! Wohoo! M: Yeah, but we're pretty far out here in right field. It's kind of hard to see. Here, you can use my binoculars. (later) M: Tomoka… here's y